How to Travel with Senior Citizens

Here are some measures and our travel safety tips all seniors should remember to safeguard yourself and your possessions before and during your travels.

Travelling may become more stressful as we get older, but we can always focus on the bright side. If anything, travelling becomes more meaningful. A lifetime of knowledge gives you the perspective to appreciate new experiences in ways your younger self never could. In any case, after working hard for so many years, you deserve to reap your rewards.

However, getting older frequently means making adjustments in your travelling habits. We’re not talking about swapping backpacking hostels for full-service hotels. We’re talking about physical challenges you might have to overcome and inherent vulnerabilities in getting around as a senior citizen.

The good news is that you can take measures to safeguard yourself and your possessions before and during your travels. Here are some of our travel safety tips all seniors should remember.

Top 10 senior-specific travel safety tips

1. Buy travel insurance

With good reason, this is our top advice. Your physical and financial security will be secured with the aid of travel medical insurance. Travel medical insurance makes sure you receive the necessary medical care if you get sick or hurt while travelling, protecting you from dealing with possibly heftier payments otherwise.

Even though senior travel insurance may cost a little more, it is still reasonable compared to the price of your vacation. And while we hope you never have to use it, knowing that you are protected in case of an emergency can offer you the peace of mind and self-assurance you need to travel the world.

2. Know your movements and allow time to rest

Make sure you know how to get around once you reach your destination. For instance, you should be aware of whether you’ll need to take a taxi or bus into town or if your hotel provides a shuttle to well-known attractions.

It’s crucial that you plan your days accordingly. Alternate days of touring with days of relaxation during your trip to give yourself a chance to rest and refuel.

3. Manage your medications

Avoid packing any drugs or prescriptions you need to bring in your checked luggage in case something happens to your bags. Additionally, bring enough supplies to last a few additional days if your journey is delayed.

Ask your doctor for a list of the generic names of all your drugs if you’re going abroad because your prescriptions might not be known by the same name as they are in a different country. This way, you’ll know what to ask for if you run out of something before you reach home.

4. Be sure to secure your valuables

Often, shopping forms a big part of the seniors’ holiday experience, as travellers tend to buy things they previously might not have been able to afford. At the same time, carrying items like expensive jewellery, watches, or a new camera may attract the wrong kind of attention.

Consider leaving these valuables at home while you travel. Also, divide your cash among your bags rather than putting a significant sum in one place, and keep some in your wallet or close to you in case of an emergency.

5. Select an aisle seat on long flights

You don’t want to have to haggle with your seatmates when you need to stretch, use the bathroom, or ask a flight attendant questions when the flight journey is on the long side.

When you choose an aisle seat, you have more room to walk around. Select seats that are across the aisle from one another if you are flying with someone else so that you can be close by and still have equal access to the aisle.

6. Print and share your travel documents

It goes without saying that you should have your required documents with you, such as your passport, ID, tickets, boarding passes and itineraries. Your travel documents should be printed or at hand.

Make a copy of your itinerary for backup purposes and email it to the people you are visiting, so they will know when your plane will arrive and make plans if it is delayed. Leave a copy to a family member or a friend back home too. 

Have copies of your passport page ID, travel insurance, visas, emergency contacts, and medical records on hand. You can contact your travel insurance provider for assistance if your trip is cancelled, your passport is stolen, or your medicine goes missing.

7. Get to the airport early

Arrive at the airport early to avoid being rushed as you make your way to the right terminal and gate. This is especially pertinent at foreign airports, where you may have to contend with unfamiliar layouts, unexpected encounters, and a language barrier.

Try to avoid walking very long distances, and if you must, make advance arrangements for a wheelchair or other help. Usually, the airline provider can help you arrange this when you book your tickets.

8. Don’t hesitate to ask attendants for help

While flying has changed drastically from the spacious and luxurious flights of the past, the crew members are still there to assist passengers whenever necessary, so you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for assistance.

Whether it’s lifting your suitcase into a place, getting a cup of coffee, or asking for directions, crew members and even other travellers around you are always willing to lend a hand.

9. Get up and stretch frequently

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), one of the most critical risks for senior travellers, can result in mortality during and after a lengthy journey. All because a traveller did not move around or stretch frequently. It’s important to wriggle, stretch, and stand when you can while you’re cramped into an aeroplane for many hours.

Even if the seatbelt sign is still lit and you aren’t allowed to stand up and wander the aisles, you can perform simple exercises like rotating your feet, raising your knees to your chest, and flexing your toes up and back.

10. Have healthy snacks on hand 

Have a few wholesome snacks on hand so that you don’t allow yourself to get too hungry. Energy bars, sliced fruits, or some nuts are all suitable choices. Snacks might only be available for purchase, depending on the airline, so it’s easier to have what you prefer with you rather than taking a chance with the food carts.

Pack your snacks in plastic zippered bags to prevent leakage into your bag, and keep them close so you won’t have to get your bag from the overhead compartment.

Explore fulfilling travels with Holiday Tours

Travelling as a senior citizen can be a rewarding experience. Rest assured that at Holiday Tours, we’re familiar with the needs of travellers of all ages. So whether you’re making the most of your retirement or fearlessly tackling your next adventure, we’re committed to helping you have a great time.


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